Our free valuation service
Since we know North London like the back of our hand, we’re in the perfect position to give you a spot-on valuation for your property. So whether you’re looking to sell or let, we can let you know exactly what your house or flat is worth.
Why choose Hotblack Desiato?

Why choose Hotblack Desiato?
In the know
We know & love North London. It’s kind of our thing. So no matter how specific your needs, we’ve got the inside knowledge to find it.
Personalised service
We’re not the type to sack you off once we’ve got you in the door. We’re with you the whole way to make sure this all runs as smoothly as possible.
The truth, the whole truth…
Our advice isn’t just driven by the possibility of a commission, it’s the right advice for that area. So we’ll tell you the truth, even if it’s not beneficial to us.